Liceo Anglo Colombiano THE SCHOOL

Liceo Anglo Colombiano THE SCHOOL

La POSITIVA Alternativa de aprender con alegría.

Armenia, Quindío | Colombia

Liceo Anglo Colombiano


La alternativa de aprender con alegría.


The mountain lion’s (Puma Concolor) House. This animal goes with the color orange. Time ago the conquistadores found this large feline and called it ‘lion’, cause it reminded them of the Old World’s female lion. However, in the new continent they came to know it by its quechua name: puma. The puma, the mountain lion, is one of the apex predators of the andean animal world: they are silent, swift and always alert.

The puma feels comfortable in any terrain of the Western Hemisphere, it thrives in the lands from Alaska to Patagonia. They ebay anything they can clench their claws into: small rodents (like aguties) and larger ones too (like chiguiros), hunting deer, and camelids too. They do not roar, but they do purr.


The mountain lion avoids the giant bear whenever they can.

This cat has learnt a couple of lessons from those paws.

They have learnt that eagles must be followed,

both to find better prey as well as to escape from danger.

The jaguar is its greatest foe.

The other great and silent predator of the Colombian territory.

They know that when facing a jaguar, they must not make mistakes.

Without a doubt, their similarities have made them great opponents.

Qualities of a Student Member of the Anchobe House:

Qualities of a Student Member of the Anchobe House:

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